Monday, 2 February 2015

On The Road - almost....

First pix of The Freaker out the workshop and into the wild. 

Andy & the Thundercity crew snapped this for their gallery just before the new front brake was fitted. The bike is now back at home juiced up, ready to go and just waiting for insurance to be sorted and the snows to melt.

I asked around on insurance and it seems some folk are riding close to the breeze on mentioning modifications - but with so many pennies in the bike, I'm looking to be clean & green with my declarations & covered to the hilt.

Here's some "agreed value" stock shots taken for the cover geezers:

Have had one quote so far (which ain't totally pick-me-up-off-the-floor) with agreed value & will be trying a coupla other outfits before shelling out.

Recommendations for custom bike insurance welcomed


  1. the bike is looking great by the way. cant wait to see it in the flesh!

    whats next - project bike?

  2. Still lots to do - & maybe with your help. I'm after some kick up pipes with trumpet ends. Know anyone who can make & wrap the headers?
    Then there's the kick start.
    The bars narrowing.
    The seat recovering in leather.
    The erstatz Panhead cam cover.
    And lastly the paint job (Flakey Dave?)
    Then the build:
    I've kept all the take-off parts & with the rest of my stash, just need a frame, carb and engine to do a full build.
    So...if all goes to plan and the money tree keeps shaking, should be in the market for a project next winter.
